About Q&A Home Inspections
Q&A Home Inspections, LLC is a company founded to provide clients with outstanding service. It isn’t always easy to tell when there are problems with your home, which is where a certified home inspector can help. By working with Q&A Home Inspections, you’re guaranteed to get the outstanding service you deserve.
Meet Maurice Quick
Thank you for visiting the website. I am Maurice Quick, a native of North Carolina and a licensed North Carolina home inspector. I am the father of three wonderful daughters who live, work and attend school in the Carolinas. As a former truck driver, I have served as owner/operator, where the importance of customer focus was instilled into my assiduous work ethic. During my tenure in the United States Navy, I learned attention to detail, which I apply to all of my home inspections. My wife, a mechanical engineer by degree, is also my business partner.
I got into the home inspection business for three reasons:
- To enjoy the freedom of entrepreneurship
- To help people to the best of my knowledge
- To reveal the story of the house
Tell me – what can I do to be your home inspector?
Discounts are available for military members, seniors, and home sellers.